Devconnect 2025 – An “Ethereum World’s Fair” in Buenos Aires

We’re excited to announce that the next Devconnect will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from November 17th to the 22nd, 2025!

This year, we are aiming for something bigger than just Devconnect: We want to support an effort that the local community has already started — bringing Argentina onchain.

In Buenos Aires and Argentina, we have a city and country that have been leading adopters of Ethereum for many years. Devconnect Argentina is an opportunity for the whole Ethereum ecosystem to support that steady growth and to accelerate it even further, by helping individual citizens, businesses, institutions and governments to adopt and benefit from Ethereum.

Get in touch at or on the Forum if you or your organization are interested in helping to bring Argentina onchain this year.

Devconnect will be a culmination of this effort, and a global gathering that’s more than a decentralized event week. In addition to focused community-organized events that will take place across the city, the EF events team will create an interactive “Ethereum World’s Fair” — a real showcase of live dapps, as a blueprint for what Ethereum can enable for a city, an economy, and a nation.

November 17th is the official Devconnect kickoff day. Save the date, be there, and plan your events around this big opening day!

Why Devconnect Argentina is different

Argentina is a place where Ethereum adoption is happening right now. People are using stablecoins and blockchain solutions for daily transactions and savings. Buenos Aires is already experimenting onchain: the city’s government has launched initiatives like a digital identity system with Quark ID, built on Ethereum and zksync, showing its openness to crypto.

The local ecosystem is also strong, with Argentina-founded projects like Balmy, Belo, Bouldertech, Decentraland, DeFiWonderland, ExactlyProtocol, Kleros, LambdaClass, Lemon, MakerDAO(Sky), Mimic, Nomic Foundation, OpenZeppelin, POAP, and Ripio in addition to many more. Plus, it is home to grassroots movements like Ethereum Argentina, Seed Latam, ETH Latam, Ciudad de Crecimiento and others. Argentinians are also part of many other teams across the ecosystem.

The Argentina Ethereum ecosystem has laid strong foundations already, and Devconnect is an opportunity for all of us in the Ethereum ecosystem to build on top of those foundations. Ethereum adoption is happening at scale today in Argentina, and together we can help Buenos Aires become a template for other cities to follow in the future.

Argentina has offered to help us with visa applications, so this Devconnect can be truly accessible.

The “Ethereum World’s Fair”

At the center of Devconnect Argentina will be something that we call the “Ethereum World’s Fair”. Over the last centuries, World’s Fairs around the globe showcased cutting-edge tech and offered a glimpse into the future. The “Ethereum World’s Fair” will be a live showcase of how Ethereum can transform identity, finance, governance, and day-to-day life. Stablecoins, DeFi, onchain identities, public goods funding — all of it will be at the Ethereum Fair for people to try, so you can see for yourself how Ethereum-based tools can power more accessible, transparent, and sovereign alternatives to traditional, centralized models.

A more holistic Cowork

At the main venue, you’ll find the Devconnect coworking space, which will be a more holistic experience, including Community Hubs. These interactive spaces are organized by members of the community, and you might know them from Devcon. We will share more about the Devconnect Community Hubs and how to organize one in a few weeks.

Devconnect events still decentralized

Of course, Devconnect Argentina is still Devconnect – that means multiple events organized by different teams across the city of Buenos Aires, each diving deep into specific Ethereum topics.

One of our main goals is to push real usage of Ethereum. We encourage organizers to integrate onchain ticketing, payments, and identity wherever possible. We also continue looking for opportunities to dogfood Ethereum tech to improve the attendee experience at Devconnect.

Get involved in the Argentina onchain effort

Are you a local team in Argentina, working on bringing the country onchain already, or an international team looking to contribute to the ecosystem-wide push to support the Argentinian ecosystem to bring their country onchain?

Contact us at or share your thoughts on the Forum.

We are hiring!

We are looking to extend our team and are hiring for a few positions, with more opportunities coming soon. Apply now:

Stay in the loop

To be the first to hear about more open positions, event announcements, and local highlights from Argentina:

Let’s go,


The Devconnect Team

from Ethereum – Techyrack Hub

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